Thank you, Aaron. Your thoughts and dedication to this blog are inspiring! You have a fantastic writer's voice.

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Thanks so much, Christy! Your encouragement really does mean the world to me :)

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This is important to remember. I kind of think that the real meaning of life is learning to let go. I went through a time where Stoicism was really attractive. I’m now more transitioning to Taoism. I love your blog man. Keep going.

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Matthew, your encouragement came at an amazing time! Thank you

That need to let go is what I learned from years of being an angry athiest... Western philosophy is obsessed with logic, which can only take you so far.

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Thank you, Aaron, for writing today. Today's piece reminded me of Solomon's saying: "Everything is meaningless." I think we do need to try to stop thinking we have all the answers. Instead I think we need to be open and receptive. I cherish your talking to the animals and finding peace. It is the News that unsettles. When we can get to our core, we can find peace. I look forward to reading more of your perspectives, Aaron.

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Barbara, thank you so much for taking the time to encourage someone you don't know! I'm so happy that you enjoyed what you read, and I look forward to interacting with you further!

That's my beef with philosophy... It's 90% talk. Just blah blah blah blah blah. We need a new narrative! We need living, breathing philosophy.

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