Friday Fun Flier XXXV
Bringing back the good news story of the week, and recommending a great podcast :)
Quote of the week:
“We may not be responsible for the world that created our minds, but we can take responsibility for the mind with which we create our world.”
-Gabor Mate
Hello everybody! I just made it to Bocas Del Toro on the Caribbean side of Panama, where I’ll be staying for a few days before beginning my journey to Mexico.
I just wanted to thank everyone who reached out and offered encouragement after last week’s “nomad” post. I’m glad that her story resonated with so many people!
I hope your Halloween was spooky, magical, and delicious. SEGUE, here’s some cool stuff I found this week:
Gabor Mate on Under The Skin With Russel Brand
Gabor Mate is so much, it’s hard to summarize. He’s a modern shaman, a plant medicine expert, a trauma specialist, a prolific author, a doctor, and an addiction counselor. His legacy is wide-ranging, to say the least.
In this interview, Russel Brand and Gabor discuss the trauma of politicians, the body’s ability to heal itself, the benefits of plant medicine, and much, much more. I absolutely loved it.
If you’re looking for an off-the-beaten-path interview that’s not just the same people re-stating myths about success, this is for you!
And Now, The Good News Story of The Week!
The Out of Eden Walk is back on, folks!
If you’re not yet familiar with this breathtaking project, check out the above Instagram.
The Out of Eden Walk is a National Geographic-sponsored journey by Paul Salopek, a Pulitzer-winning journalist and photographer, retracing our distant human ancestor’s slow exodus out of Africa.
Like most things that are good, The Out of Eden Walk was on hold because of that big virus thing that happened all around the world.
Salopek has been vagabonding on foot since the middle of Obama’s presidency, taking pictures and making friends. Since COVID started, he’s been stranded in Myanmar.
But no more! Salopek is free to resume his wanderin’ ways, to our benefit. His content is amazing, and I’ll be an avid follower now that I’ve found him.
Here is his most recent National Geographic entry, if you’d like to read more and live vicariously through his eyes!
It could be said that he’s half done, but he’s got quite a bit of terrain left if he’s going to complete this epic adventure. He’s still got to wander through China and Russia (notoriously big places), then casually hop across the Bering Strait in wintertime before jaunting down to the southern tip of South America.
Tune in, it’s great stuff. Know the best part? His journey has not made him a pessimist. After eight years of walking and seeing the people of the earth, he’s not cynical.
Yet if he’d stayed at home and simply watched the news about the places he’s been, he probably would be.
Hats off to you, Paul. You’re killing it.
That’s all for this week’s Friday Fun Flier, folks! I hope you’re having a great time as we head into the holiday season!